Getting Planning Permission

Thinking of extending your property or applying for a change of use? If so you’ll need to obtain planning permission. Here are Haybrook’s tips for achieving the best possible result out of the planning process.
Research permitted development rights
By definition, Permitted development rights are a grant of planning permission which allows particular building works and changes of use to go ahead without securing planning permission. These have increased in recent years; development and changes of use can now be carried out in some cases without the need for planning permission so this is certainly worth looking at.
Begin early
Local planning authorities examine and review their development plans and will be open to comments from the public – this is your chance to promote your development, as well as voice your own concerns and opinions on other proposed development in the near vicinity.
Contact your local planning authority
Duty planning officers are available for consultation. Find out which officer covers your area and they’ll be able to offer more specific advice.
Do your research!
Find out if proposals similar to yours have been accepted in the area before. This is a good way to find out whether yours is likely to be accepted or not.
Look at also whether there’s a planning history on the site/property. Due to the government’s recent planning reforms, proposals that weren’t supported before can now be viewed more favourably
Be prepared to negotiate
There’s always a chance that you may have to negotiate some sort of compromise on your proposal, or alternatively further advocate your development further to help swing things in your favour (the benefits etc.).
Keep trying
If your first planning application was unsuccessful, you are welcome to try again if you so wish. Look for further advice to help your chances the next time around.
You do also have the right to appeal the decision as well as have a Planning Inspector (who belongs to another area) consider the application as well.
Expanding your property can be exciting; following the right protocols and seeking the right advice from the right people will help better your chances of getting planning permission!